Please let investors decide what to buy and when to buy, especially if they have risk appetite. For example liquid assets invested in market more than 100k
I utilize these products to hedge my portfolio to reduce the risks and increase the returns. I shouldn't need to qualify for this opportunity.
I have the right to invest!!
Dear Regulators,
I do not want my access to leveraged and inverse investment options to be limited. These are important for my investing strategy. I think everyone should have access to public investments.
Please dont take this away from me.
I am THE only person that should be able to choose investments that are right for me and my family. I do not want or need YOUR decisions imposed on me. I use leveraged and inverse funds to help me protect my investments or enhance my returns depending on market conditions. Restricting me to do so while allowing so called "professionals" to use the same techniques is abhorrent
One more example of government overreach. Leave us alone! I'm sure the legislators are carving themselves out of this restriction too.
I think it makes sense to let people make their own choices
They can make a great hedge for little money.
This is ludicrous and socialist with small individual investors ability to secure their own financial security with a small account . This is bending to the big money funds to siphon out the small investor . Another socialistic interference into capital markets . Pity the regulators didnt do there job with PFG some years ago when investors lost millions because regulators defied criminal activity
This is illegal and against retail investors rights! You take our rights and leave it for the politicians. In addition the President doesnt do anything about it is more frustrating. You dont treat Americans like human beings. You are a disgrace to human rights.