I oppose efforts by FINRA to restrict how I can invest (which could include leveraged and inverse funds). I well know the risks involved and choose to make my own decisions along the risk/reward path.
I have been investing in the stock an commodities markets since I graduated from the USC school of business in 1973. I have been investing in these markets for decades using leverage and inverse funds and do not need any regulations to help me at this point. Our markets should remain free and open.
Do not limit and regulate my right to invest freely. Do not place restrictions and barriers to an individuals access to invest in leveraged ETF products. It is unfair to barriers to such investing which would impose undo costs on average investors such as myself who are fully capable to make these decisions and invest in such products in a diversified portfolio.
Investors are free to seek
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. Investment decisions should be in the individual investor's control. Unique, special processes like passing a test for leveraged or inverse funds is unnecessary. These types of investments are important strategies that should be up to individual investors choices without special procedures.
I have been investing for over 50 years and I know what I am doing. Furthermore, I advise several friends and family members on their investments, I understand the risks and the importance of inverse and leveraged holdings. I don't need anyone to tell me what I can and cannot do with my investment funds. I'm hoping to preserve what's left of American freedom for my
Please do not carry out your proposed regulations on these funds. They are useful tool for small investors to have access to the markets in the same ways that large banks have investments available to them!
These regulations should be thoroughly thought through and please do not take away and hurt the small investors chance to earn in the same manner as large banks!
I am against restrictions on individuals who want to invest in leveraged ETFS for the following reasons:
1. Certain diversified leveraged ETFs really aren't that much riskier then picking a single stock and have a place in certain portfolios
2. This puts the retail investor at a huge disadvantage and funnels more profit into investment managers pockets.
3. As a retail investor I should
Investors should be easily able to access inverse securities to protect their investments. Don't bow to powerful financial investment companies in requiring investors to use the option markets to obtain this result.
I often use leveraged and inverse funds to hedge my investments at a cheaper cost/risk than using options. They have been an important part of my portfolio when the markets are facing volatility and have allowed me to not divest from other securities through market uncertainty. I am well aware of the risk involved and how they function. I do not need protection from myself and my investment
I appose any regulation of hindering the.trading of leveraged and inverse funds.