I am a PhD economist who has published three books on financial risk I also worked at Goldman Sachs and a major hedge fund as portfolio strategist and risk manager. We were very grateful to regulators for restricting retail access to the kind of levered and inverse investments that we used regularly to focus and limit our risks. However the simple truth-- which I will happy to publicly discuss
Individual investors should decide what they want to invest in, not regulators. Please don't limit that!
Making it hard for people to invest money is deliberate attempt to keep people poor.
Why is it that the very people, namely those in government, who become very wealthy while serving those of us that pay their salaries, become the arbiters of how U. S. citizens, that have the freedoms under our laws, on how, or not, to choose investing lawfully in publicly traded financial instruments ? From the history of previous several decades of government budgeting and spending, it should
ME --not regulators--ME --I should be able to choose the investments that are right for ME
Public investments need to be available to all the people -, not just the privileged
I oppose your restrictions on MY right to invest MY money
It is very important that you as regulators stick to protecting people that need protection and allow investors that understand the risks/rewards act in a free market system.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important and needed tools in our investment portfolio.
Please do not put further rules and restrictions on our investment choices.
I, shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities.
I , not regulators should be able to choose
the public investments that are right for you and your family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
The limitation on the ability for the individual investor to invest in inverse and leveraged investments is asinine. I may not be a CFA nor have FINRA series licenses, but am smart enough to know "I think this sector is going to go down, and I don't want to become a short seller, so investing in this ETF that is inverse allows me the freedom to invest in something I believe in
There should not be any regulations on how i invest my money.
Sounds like lawmakers don't want us to have the potential to make money with our hard earned money.