Effective January 1, 2008,1 Dual Member firms will not be required to disclose the name of the securities market on which the transaction was effected on confirmations or reports as required under NYSE Rule 409(f).
FINRA is providing the following schedule to assist member firms and reduce the number of Federal Reserve Board Regulation T 220.8 and SEC Rule 15c3-3(m) and (n)margin extensions denied around holidays. "Regular way" transactions made on the business days noted below will be subject to the following schedule.
Member firms are reminded of their obligation to file, and the due dates for, FOCUS reports, Schedule I filings, Annual Audits, Customer Complaints and Short Interest reports. The schedules in this Notice outline the due dates for year-end 2007 reports and for 2008 reports.
Effective Monday, March 3, 2008, when reporting odd-lot transactions1 to a FINRA Trade Reporting Facility (TRF), the Alternative Display Facility (ADF) and the OTC Reporting Facility (ORF) (collectively referred to as the "FINRA Facilities"), firms:
FINRA has revised the following examination programs:
The purpose of this Election Notice is to distribute to FINRA Small Firm members1 ballots to elect the five regional members of the Small Firm Advisory Board (SFAB). The SFAB provides guidance to FINRA staff, particularly regarding the potential impact of proposed regulatory initiatives on FINRA's Small Firm members.
Firms are urged to vote in this election. For a ballot to be considered
Financial Reporting Relief
Regulatory Notice
Notice Type
Referenced Rules & Notices
SEC Rule 15c3-3
Suggested Routing
Capital and Accounting Staff
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Representative
Senior Management
Key Topic(s)
Customer Reserve Formula Computation
FOCUS Filing
In June 2007, FINRA (then NASD and NYSE Member Regulation)1 issued for comment proposed guidance regarding the review and supervision of electronic communications. FINRA received 16 comment letters, with a majority of commenters supporting the guidance.
Given the growth of the international prime brokerage (IPB) business, FINRA recently interviewed representatives from many of the largest prime brokerage firms to determine how this business is conducted.
In November 2007, the Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education (the Council) released the semi-annual Firm Element Advisory. The Council suggests that firms consult this guide in developing their Firm Element needs analysis.
FINRA’s training resource library includes a range of online offerings that address many of the topics that the Council has outlined in the Firm