I not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding
MIND YOUR OWN [REDACTION] BUSINESS! I understand and accept the full responsibility of the way I choose to invest. I REFUSE TO TAKE YOURE ASININE TEST! I do not go running to FINRA regulators when things dont go my way, because I am a responsible ADULT! My money, my investment, my responsibility! Inverse funds are an important strategy for my investment Portfolio, as it helps me hedge my risk.
I understand the risks involved in leveraged investments and I am fully capable of using such instruments in my portfolio to increase the diversity and return of my accounts. All investments carry risks and I have used leveraged funds for over ten years. I should not be required to take any tests or special processes as I feel comfortable and accomplished that my experience and portfolio
It is very important to me to make my own investment decisions, not have them made for me. I want to retain every opportunity to make any type of investment I choose. I've purchased inverse and leveraged funds without excessive risk and have made a profit. One shouldn't have to be wealthy to have the "privilege" of the full range of investment opportunities
I should not have to go through a list of regulatory imposed steps to conduct investiments of my choice. Inverse funds are essential to my investment choices. I oppose these types of mandates:
-Pass a regulator-imposed test of my specialized investment knowledge
-Demonstrate a high net worth
-Get special approval from my broker
-Attest to reading certain materials
-Go through cooling-off
As an experienced investor who has been making my own financial decisions for 20 years, I find it to be an overreach by FINRA to restrict the ability for me to make my own decisions, thus forcing me to utilize unnecessary investment advisor firms. There are countless resources available to the general public, as well as investment documentation available to investors to understand the risks
Dear Sirs/Madams, It's come to my attention that you are considering regulating so-called complex or leveraged ETFs. As an active small investor, I implore you not to do so. I use these ETFs to hedge risk in the marketplace, and this gives me confidence in my investments, knowing that I can sustain market shocks, as well as to maintain reasonable rates of return. I have been using these for
Hi, I like to have freedom to invest in leveraged and inverse funds without going through tests and additional constraints. I usually do my research on what I'm investing and so knowledgeable enough to make my own independent decisions considering all risks involved. I usually use these funds to hedge my investments or get some higher returns based on their leverage. I want investment
Dear Madam, Sir,
I strongly believe passing this law would hurt investors like me who are getting to the capital market with small investments and using inverse funds as a hedge strategy to beat the market volatility, even though it is a small portion of my overall portfolio.
I believe public investment should be available to all of the public without any requirement of passing a test. Anyone who
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds