I understand the financial risks I am taking and it's not a private organizations place to limit my ability to make investments.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
It is up to individual person to decide about investing their money in to proshare ETF with completely informed decision.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
Hands off my decision to invest in leveraged and inverse funds!
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest
This is a terrible idea. I have nearly given up investing in individual stocks due to unpredictable returns.
I now use ETFs almost exclusively. This can and often does include both leveraged and short side ETFs.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest
Please stop over-regulating us. I am smart enough to decide what to invest in. I don't need the government to hold my hand when investing. I should not have to go through a special process to invest in leverage and inverse funds. Enough is enough, leave us alone to invest how we wish.