This data provides trade activity for to-be-announced (TBA) securities for the past 10 years. Access up to three years real-time trade history and seven years end-of-day per individual security. A TBA security is effectively a contract to buy or sell mortgage-backed securities on a specific date. Learn more about TBA securities and other bond types.
Fixed Income Data is compiled from multiple
Baltimore, MD
September 17, 2019
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Continental breakfast
8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Welcome Remarks
8:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Session 1 – Social Media and Digital Communications Compliance
Discuss the content and supervision standards that apply to all electronic communications
Discuss guidance about social media sites and third
This data provides trade activity for corporate and agency bonds for up to 10 years. Access up to three years real-time trade history per individual security. Corporate and agency bonds are investor loans to corporations or government-sponsored enterprises other than U.S. Treasury. Learn more about corporate and agency bonds and other bond types.
Fixed income data is compiled from multiple
Real-time trade activity for Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) Securities below one million. Since the fixed income market is less liquid than most markets for stocks, there may be no trade activity in a security for a period of time. See Weekly CMO Files and Monthly CMO Files for data CMO quantity over one million.
Fixed Income Data is compiled from multiple sources, including but not
This data provides comprehensive information on to-be-announced (TBA) securities that traded within the past 10 years. A TBA security is effectively a contract to buy or sell mortgage-backed securities on a specific date. Learn more about TBA securities and other bond types.
Fixed Income data is compiled from multiple sources, including but not limited to TRACE, Refinitiv, S&P, Moody’s,
Effective January 1, 2012, the webcast portion of the “What to Expect” series has been retired. However, the corresponding resource documents—which contain the same material and additional resources—remain available in PDF format.
The "What to Expect" series is aimed at taking the mystery out of key regulatory processes and making firms' interactions with FINRA more productive and
FINRA is warning member firms of a new imposter website (please notice the extra “n” in the domain name).
One portion of the website contains a link to a registration site that is not legitimate (see images, below).
In addition, it is possible bad actors could leverage the domain to send fake emails including those with imbedded phishing links or attachments containing malware.
As part of its Transparency Services improvement initiative, beginning on February 26, 2024, FINRA will re-platform the TRACE for Treasuries (TS) product to a new Linux-based operating system. FINRA values client testing feedback and encourages participation in this effort to validate that all processes work within clients’ TRACE reporting framework. Testing your current TRACE for Treasuries
1. Which exams can I take online without meeting additional requirements?
Online test delivery is available to candidates with open enrollment windows for the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam. For all other exams, please review the Schedule an Exam page for instructions.
2. What are the criteria to take exams other than the SIE online?
Effective June 9, 2023, the criteria to take NFA
April 1999
How Broker/Dealers Can Address Customer Concerns About The Year 2000
Investors are aware of the potential problems caused by the coming century change. As a result, they may consider changing their investing habits and strategies leading to more frequent questioning of their brokerage firms about the Year 2000 issue.
Leading up to the new year, it is important that broker/dealers