I completely oppose restrictions on any leveraged ETFs for retail traders. This is our money and we demand the right to choose how we invest and trade. Are you going to restrict our ability to buy and sell options soon? Or how about simply prevent people from even trading stocks? Are you going to force us to put money in CDs only? One thing leads to another. The absurdity of preventing
I oppose restrictions on my right to buy leveraged and inverse funds.
I already own some of thes accounts or they are in my strategy.
I began trading options more than 10 years ago. I studied with several teachers, able to use a practice account before trading live. I find option trading a way to limit my exposure to market risk, and still obtain the gains I want.
While my general approach is to hold ETFs, use both long, short options trades, as well as holding inverse ETFs to take advantage of market fluctuation.
I understand
To limit leveraged ETF funds to the Wall Street elite and the very wealthy would be inequitable. This would be one more step toward the economic equality in this country that has manifested over the past four decades. To have one set of rules for the rich and another for the middle class and lower class limits opportunity to invest and the chance to improve one's financial station in
Please do not limit my abilities to invest in 3 times leveraged and inverse ETFs
As an independant investor who regularly uses inverese etfs to hedge my protfolio. I urge you to drop these considered changes. I have done extensive research into each and every asset I have bought, and don't need to be protected from complex things. I can fend for myself and fully understand the risks involved in what we do for a living. Americans in the market have enough restrictions
I- not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
Government and finra. Stay out of it. You will only make things go bad. It's all that you know how to do. The only thing you are capable of is making it harder for people to make a living.
Leveraged and inverse funds are very important to me because
I can help more my family since life is very expensive for these trips. thank you translate