Last modified: November 17, 2023FINRA's Arbitration Awards database enables users to perform Web-based searches for FINRA and historical NASD arbitration awards free of charge, seven days a week. Also available through the site are historical awards for New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Users
In this third and final episode in our series covering FINRA's ongoing crypto asset regulatory work, we hear from FINRA's Blockchain Lab, which serves as a central point within FINRA for the development of blockchain-related regulatory initiatives to learn about how the Lab is supporting and advancing FINRA's regulatory work involving crypto assets.
In 2022, FINRA developed an enterprise-wide strategy to ensure it is prepared for an evolving crypto asset regulatory landscape and created the Crypto Hub, the Blockchain Lab and the Crypto Asset Investigations Team. On this episode, the first in a three-part series, we learn more about the strategy and the role of the Hub.
Effective May 28, 2024, in accordance with the industry-led shortened settlement cycle from two business days (T+2) to one business day (T+1), FINRA will implement its changes for equity trade reporting. Please see DTCC notice for details of the financial industry coordination for this project and FINRA’s initial Technical Notice for this initiative which includes updates to its specifications.
The Series 65 exam — the NASAA Investment Advisers Law Examination — is a North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) exam administered by FINRA.The exam consists of 130 scored questions and 10 unscored questions. Candidates have 180 minutes to complete the exam. In order for a candidate to pass the Series 65 exam, they must correctly answer at least 92 of the 130 scored
The Series 66 exam — the NASAA Uniform Combined State Law Examination — is a North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) exam administered by FINRA.The exam consists of 100 scored questions and 10 unscored questions. Candidates have 150 minutes to complete the exam. To pass the Series 66 exam, candidates must correctly answer at least 73 of the 100 scored questions.There is no
The Series 63 exam — the Uniform Securities State Law Examination — is a North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) exam administered by FINRA.The exam consists of 60 scored questions and 5 unscored questions. Candidates have 75 minutes to complete the exam. In order for a candidate to pass the Series 63 exam, they must correctly answer at least 43 of the 60 scored questions.For
(a) When and How Transactions are Reported(1) Trade Reporting Facility Participants shall, as soon as practicable but no later than 10 seconds after execution, transmit to the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility or if the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility is unavailable due to system or transmission failure, by telephone to the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility Operations Department,
(a) When and How Transactions are Reported(1) Trade Reporting Facility Participants shall, as soon as practicable but no later than 10 seconds after execution, transmit to the FINRA/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility or, if the FINRA/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility is unavailable due to system or transmission failure, by telephone to the FINRA/NYSE TRF Operations Department, last sale reports of
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