A committee designated by the Board of Governors, the Uniform Practice Code Committee (the "Committee"), shall have the power to issue interpretations or rulings with respect to the applicability of this Code to situations in which there is no substantial disagreement as to the facts involved in order to make custom, practice, usage, and trading technique in the investment banking and
(a) All over-the-counter secondary market transactions in securities (including restricted securities, as defined in Rule 144(a)(3) under the Securities Act) between members, including the rights and liabilities of the members participating in the transaction, and those operational procedures that affect the day-to-day business of members shall be subject to the provisions of this Code except:
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This Code was superseded by the Customer Code (Rule 12000 Series) and the Industry Code (Rule 13000 Series) on April 16, 2007, for claims filed on or after that date. The Code remains in effect, however, for cases filed before April 16, 2007.
This Code was superseded by the Customer Code (Rule 12000 Series) and the Industry Code (Rule 13000 Series) on April 16, 2007, for claims filed on or after that date. The Code remains in effect, however, for cases filed before April 16, 2007.
This Code was superseded by the Customer Code (Rule 12000 Series) and the Industry Code (Rule 13000 Series) on April 16, 2007, for claims filed on or after that date. The Code remains in effect, however, for cases filed before April 16, 2007.
(a) One-Year Restriction on Former FINRA Officers
No former officer of FINRA shall knowingly, with the intent to influence, make any communication to or appearance before a FINRA Governor or employee within one year from the former officer's termination of employment with FINRA, on behalf of any other person in connection with any matter on which the former officer seeks official
Temporary and permanent cease and desist orders issued pursuant to this Rule Series constitute final and immediately effective disciplinary sanctions imposed by FINRA. The right to have any action under this Rule Series reviewed by the SEC is governed by Section 19 of the Exchange Act. The filing of an application for review shall not stay the effectiveness of a temporary or permanent cease
A Respondent who violates a temporary or permanent cease and desist order imposed under this Rule Series may have its association or membership suspended or canceled or be subject to any fitting sanction under Rule 9556. FINRA's Chief Executive Officer or such other senior officer as the Chief Executive Officer may designate must authorize the initiation of any such proceeding in writing