(a) If a party is added to an arbitration after the Director sends the lists generated by the list selection algorithm to the parties, but before the ranked lists are due to the Director, the Director will send the lists to the newly added party, with employment history for the past 10 years and other background information for each arbitrator listed. The newly added party may rank and strike
(a)(1) Each member shall be assessed a registration fee of $75.00 and a branch office system processing fee of $20.00 upon the registration of each branch office, as defined in the By-Laws.
(2) FINRA shall waive, for the first branch office registered by a member, payment of the $75.00 registration fee and the $20.00 branch office system processing fee (where such fees have been assessed
(a)(1) Each member shall be assessed a registration fee of $75.00 and a branch office system processing fee of $20.00 upon the registration of each branch office, as defined in the By-Laws.
(2) FINRA shall waive, for the first branch office registered by a member, payment of the $75.00 registration fee and the $20.00 branch office system processing fee (where such fees have been assessed
(a) Any member firm, or applicant for membership under NASD Rule 1013 that is subject to a disqualification as set forth in Article III, Section 4 of the By-Laws of the Corporation (1) seeking to enter, or be continued in, membership; or (2) seeking to employ or continuing to employ as an associated person any individual who is subject to a disqualification from association with a member as
For Your Information
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
March 1989
Series 7 Test Changes For March; Permanent Site Change in Anchorage
Memphis Test Site for March
The March 18, 1989, Series 7 exam in Memphis will be held at:
Sheraton Hotel300 N. 2nd StreetMemphis, TN
Atlanta Test Site for March
The March 18, 1989, Series 7 exam in Atlanta will be held at:
For Your Information
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
May 1989
Test Site Changes for May in Kansas, New York, Georgia, and Florida
New PLATO Test Centers in Kansas
Effective May 1, 1989, Control Data PLATO Development Centers began operating at the following locations:
Farmers State Bank Building, 718 MainStreet, Suite 202, Hays, KS 67601 (913) 232-1690.
Epic Office
For Your Information
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
June 1989
Test Date and Site Changes for June and July Examinations Announced
July First Saturday Date Change
The first Saturday exam session date for July has been changed to July 8, 1989, for all test centers because of the Independence Day holiday that falls after the first weekend of the month.
Requests for
For Your Information
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
July 1989
Nebraska Begins Participation in CRD Phase II Program
Effective July 1, 1989, the State of Nebraska began participation in CRD Phase II, receipt and review of broker-dealer filings. Nebraska will continue to collect the initial Form BD as well as the fee associated with a request for BD registration in the state.
For Your Information
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
September 1989
District 12 Sponsors September Seminar in New York
NASD District 12 will sponsor its third annual educational seminar September 26 at the Vista International Hotel in New York City. Directed toward management and financial/operational personnel of NASD members, the seminar will feature more than 30 speakers
For Your Information
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
October 1989
Three NASD District Offices to Hold Major Conferences This Month
Three NASD offices — Districts 5, 8, and 13 - will sponsor major conferences this month.
District 5
The District 5 annual membership meeting and conference, co-sponsored with Tulane Law School, will be Friday, October 6, at the Windsor Court