NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Rule 2860(b) of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. to: (1) increase the position limits on conventional equity options to three times the basic position limits for standardized equity options on the same security; (2) disaggregate conventional equity options from standardized equity options and FLEX Equity Options for
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to Rule 2210 of the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. to require that written or electronic communications prepared for a single customer be subject to the general standards and those specific standards of Rule 2210 that prohibit misleading statements.
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Rules 3010 and 3110 to implement the effective date of recently-approved amendments to these rules. The amendments allow firms to develop flexible procedure for the review of correspondence with the public.
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to Rule 2210 of the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. to exclude independently-prepared research reports from the filing requirements of Rule 2210.
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Rule 3020 of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. to grant to the staff authority to adjust the fidelity bond required of a member in certain circumstances upon a showing of good cause, either conditionally or unconditionally.
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed change to Rule 9514 to change the composition of the Hearing Panel for proceedings under the Rule 9510 Series in which NASD Regulation seeks to suspend or cancel the membership of a member or the registration of a person for failure to comply with an arbitration award or a settlement agreement related to an NASD arbitration or mediation.
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend NASD Books and Records Rule 3110 and NASD Order Audit Trail System Rules 6954 and 6957 to (1) require members to record certain information when an order is transmitted to a non-member; (2) explicitly detail the record- keeping requirements that will apply to OATS data; (3) require members to record and maintain information related to
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to Rule 10335 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. to extend the effectiveness of the rule for six months.
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Rule 1032(f) of the NASD to change the date by which registered representatives who currently trade equity securities in the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq) and/or over-the-counter must apply for Equity Trader registration.
NASDR has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Rules 3010 and 3110 to further delay the effective date of one of the provisions in recently-approved amendments to these rules.