The 2017 Compliance Outreach Program for Municipal Advisors is designed for municipal advisor industry professionals. The focus of the program is to promote strong compliance practices for the protection of investors. FINRA is partnering with the SEC and the MSRB to sponsor the program. Topics of discussion will focus on the duties and standards of conduct for non-solicitor municipal advisors
In response to the March 2017 Special Notice on Engagement issued as part of FINRA360, FINRA received a number of comments and suggestions regarding engagement in connection with FINRA's rulemaking process. After carefully reviewing and analyzing the comments, FINRA is taking a number of actions to address the comments and suggestions that it received.
Rulemaking Process
Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) data provides comprehensive information on mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) that traded within the past 10 years.
Data field
Why we share this data
Amortizing securities are debt securities like bonds, but they pay the principal back with each payment rather than upon maturity. Possible values you include:
A = Arm
(a) Party Portal
(1) Parties must use the Party Portal to file initial statements of claim and to file and serve pleadings and any other documents on the Director or any other party except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3). The Director may exercise authority to permit the use of other means of filing or service in the case of an extended Party Portal outage or in other
Regulatory Obligations and Related Considerations
Regulatory Obligations
Exchange Act Rule 15c3-1 (Net Capital Rule) requires that firms must at all times have and maintain net capital at specific levels to protect customers and creditors from monetary losses that can occur when firms fail. Exchange Act Rule 17a-11 requires firms to notify FINRA in the event their net capital falls below the “
On This Page
Getting Started
What You Need
Additional Considerations
Fairness and Impartiality
Confidentiality and Security
Technology Challenges
Preparing for a Virtual Pre-Hearing Conference
Commencing a Virtual Pre-Hearing Conference
Recording a Virtual Pre-Hearing Conference
During a Virtual Pre-Hearing Conference
Participant Etiquette
Technical Support
Comments on Regulatory Notice 22-08 I am a self-directed retail user of investing products that is approaching retirement. I do not have a finance background per se, but I have a PhD in engineering with a career revolving around probabilistic risk assessment, and financial concepts translate well. I am not necessarily representative of the “typical” self-directed investor that the regulatory
The new Complex Investigations and Intelligence (CII) team and Cyber and Analytics Unit (CAU) are driving a shift in terms of how Member Supervision’s National Cause and Financial Crimes Detection Program comes at its work and leverages intelligence and analytics to drive decision making and operations. On this episode, we hear how these changes will help FINRA better deliver on its mission of investor protection, market integrity.
Beginning Thursday, September 1, 2022, certain depository institutions (Covered Depository Institutions) will be required to report transactions in U.S. Treasury securities, agency debt securities and agency mortgage-backed securities (Covered Securities) to FINRA’s Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE).