FINRA announced that it has released Guidance on Liquidity Risk Management Practices, the results of a year-long review of firms’ contingency plans and processes related to managing liquidity needs in a stressed environment.
Guidance on Liquidity Risk Management Practices
FINRA has taken disciplinary actions against the following firms and individuals for violations of FINRA rules; federal securities laws, rules and regulations; and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).
FINRA announced today that as a result of a 2014 onsite exam, it found securities violations including various misleading sales pitches, customer account churning and other business misconduct at Global Arena Capital Corp.
SEA Rule 17f-2 generally requires your firm to submit fingerprints for each person who is a partner, director, officer or employee of your firm, subject to certain exceptions. Fingerprints are submitted on either FINRA approved fingerprint cards or electronically through a certified EFS vendor contracted with Sterling. Firms pay fingerprint fees by using E-Bill, FINRA's electronic billing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 8312 (FINRA BrokerCheck Disclosure) to Reduce the Waiting Period for the Release of Information Reported on Form U5
In January 2003, NASD’s Advertising Regulation Department contacted 64 NASD member firms to determine their level of compliance with the NASD and SEC rules that govern advertisements and sales literature for hedge funds and funds of hedge funds. Twenty-five firms responded that they had not used such communications during the subject time period. Thirty-nine firms responded with submissions of
FINRA Filing Requirements and Review of Regulation A Offerings
Firms do not receive hard copy fingerprint card search results. Instead, firms receive the dispositions, including CHRI details, electronically in their "Fingerprint Status Received from FBI Queue."
With Electronic Fingerprint Processing, FBI results (dispositions) are automatically uploaded into Web CRD®. The most common fingerprint statuses are described below.A status of CLER