Regulators are now signaling they anticipate a huge market crash and need to protect the den of thieves. Couldn't be more evident. Go get em regulators! Get those small investors! There's still more to steal! Hoorah!
I agree that education into the operation and risks of more complex products should become a mandatory prerequisite to invest/trade in them, the other proposed changes are a step too far and I believe not required.
Perhaps a brief synopsis of a product the first time that it is being requested for execution for an account, is forced upon the executor to follow through some required reading. This
These funds are a very logical option for retail investors to balance risk and even capitalize on volatility in market cycles like March 2020 and in flight at present. These should not be restricted in terms of retail access.
I am writing in response to the proposal to regulate the use of inverse ETFs and leveraged funds. I strongly oppose the federal government regulating which public investments I can and cannot invest in for myself and my family, as well as any additional regulatory processes required to make an investment of my choosing. There are already plenty of disclosures that address the potential risks and
Dear Regulators:
We should not be limiting funds to common investors. I have successfully used them to grow wealth and manage risk at same time. This should be a choice of clear risks mentioned upfront and a choice of investor to understand their risk versus additional processes that could limit common investor growth and investment opportunities.
Russell Whaley
I oppose limitations on my ability to buy the Funds.
It is not fair to limit the number of tools private investors can use. Companies will continue to use available tools to get the same results to avoid these limitations, which puts private investors in unfair trading capabilities.
I should be able to choose investments and the risk i am willing to accept. Leveraged and inverse funds are an important element of my investment strategy. These investments should be available to all the public and not just the privileged. Please do not restrict the opportunity to invest in leveraged funds. There is already a notice of the risk and it is well communicated to investors. Please do
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest TQQQ ugro soxl
I think this proposed legislation is misguided and goes way too far. It would be like banning the sale of alcohol because some irresponsible people get drunk and hurt themselves. I have used both leveraged and inverse ETFs to hedge my portfolio. Recently I used such ETFs to protect my positions in fixed income securities. If I was forced to sell my bonds and preferred stocks the market makers