Proposed Rule Change Relating to Mandatory Participation in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Testing under Regulation SCI
FINRA said today that Chairman and CEO Richard Ketchum, 64, has announced his plan to retire in the second half of 2016. The Board of Governors will conduct a search for his successor that will take into consideration internal and external candidates.
Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 7640A (Data Products Offered By Nasdaq)
Proposed Rule Change to Establish An Examination Fee for the Securities Trader Qualification Examination (Series 57)
SEC Approves Amendments to Require Firms to Report Transactions in TRACE-Eligible Securities As Soon As Practicable
FINRA announced today that it has ordered five firms to pay restitution estimated at more than $18 million, including interest, to affected customers for failing to waive mutual fund sales charges for eligible charitable organizations and retirement accounts.
FINRA Revises the Series 27 and Series 28 Examination Programs
Continuing Education Planning
Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education Issues Firm Element Advisory Update