FINRA shares an annual snapshot of some of the data collected in the course of its work to increase public awareness and understanding about the broad range of FINRA-registered firms and individuals.
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The FINRA Industry Snapshot provides a high-level overview of the industry, ranging from the number of FINRA-registered individuals to the overall
1 This paper is not intended to express any legal position and does not create any new requirements or suggest any change in any existing regulatory obligations, nor does it provide relief from any regulatory obligations. While this paper summarizes key findings from FINRA’s outreach and research on the use of cloud computing in the securities industry, it does not endorse or validate the use
This version was introduced with the filing of SR-FINRA-2020-015, which has been filed for Immediate Effectiveness. This version is temporary and effective from May 8, 2020 through June 15, 2020, pending any future extensions.
(a) Initiation of Review by Applicant
Within 25 days after service of a decision under Rule 1014 or 1017, an Applicant may file a
(a) Initiation of Review by Applicant
Within 25 days after service of a decision under Rule 1014 or 1017, an Applicant may file a written request for review with the National Adjudicatory Council. A request for review shall state with specificity why the Applicant believes that the Department's decision is inconsistent with the membership standards set forth in Rule 1014, or otherwise
This rule is no longer applicable. NASD Rule 1010 Series has been superseded by FINRA Rule 1000 Series. Please consult the appropriate FINRA Rule.
(a) Initiation of Review by Applicant
Within 25 days after service of a decision under Rule 1014 or 1017, an Applicant may file a written request for review with the National Adjudicatory Council. A request for
The mission of Regulatory Economics and Market Analysis (REMA) is to elevate FINRA’s ability to make sound regulatory and policy decisions and foster innovation in regulation through best-in-class research and analysis.
TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
The U.S. Department of the Treasury recently adopted regulations under the South African Sanctions Act. The provisions of the Act were the subject of NASD Notice to Members 86-76.
This notice provides information relating to the new investment provisions of the Act which became effective on November 16, 1986.
The full text of
Exemptive Relief from the OATS Electronic Recording and Reporting Requirements; Enhancements to the OATS Web Interface
Internal Audit
Legal & Compliance
Senior Management
OATSRule 6958Rule 9610(a)
Executive Summary
In November 2005, NASD issued Notice to Members (NTM) 05-78
announcing Securities and Exchange
The NASD Office of General Counsel Regulatory Policy and Oversight (OGC) publishes the Disciplinary Update to provide registered representatives with a summary sampling of recent disciplinary actions involving misconduct by registered representatives. The sample of disciplinary actions includes settled matters and decisions in litigated cases (National Adjudicatory Council (NAC) decisions and decisions of the Securities and Exchange Commission in NASD cases).
Comments: All investing involves risk. Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Commodities, Currencies. Imposing sanctions, regulations on a specific sector or industry that market "complex products" is arbitrary, biased and prejudiced when not imposing the same sanctions, regulations on other risk assets as Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, commodities, etc. Those who market these "