As a citizen of the USA, I am completely opposed to any restrictions on my right to invest in any public investments. I am the only one who has the authority and knowledge of what is a good investment for myself and my family. Their should not be any restrictions on any public investments, and I should not have to jump through ANY hoops like passing a test, or go through any red tape before I
A human must be allowed to purchase complex products in order to earn money.
FINRA will not tell savings banks to pay truly worthwhile interest on personal money they hold for depositors fairly considering the fees and interest rates they charge.
Complex financial instruments must continue to allow people to profit on market conditions of any variety.
We not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I oppose that you want to put limitations on my investments. I don't feel that such extreme regulations are needed. Thank you, Joan Nass
Proshares Trust invester
Leave my investments alone. You do not have the right to touch them
Let everyone invest it's a fundamental right to choose what we want to do with the money we earn.
Its important that all strata of society have access to investments and assets! Humbly reconsider these potential enactments.
I have come to learn that the FINRA is considering measures to curb investment availability of inverse and leveraged Exchange Traded Funds. I strongly object to any measures that could restrict my choice of using these ETF's.
I don't normally invest in these types of ETF's. I only use inverse ETF's during market down turns, like we are having now, to hedge my
Please stop putting so many restrictions on people. Our Country is supposed to be "the land of the free". Every time you turn around, we are getting taxed more and more and being restricted all because of the incompetence of the government, more so because of the Democrats. At one time, I voted as a Democrat until I realized that they are really not for the working man/women