All transactions except "cash" transactions in stocks, bonds or similar evidences of indebtedness shall be "ex" liquidating payments or payments on account of principal in accordance with the formula set forth in Rules 11140 and 11150.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2010-030 eff. Dec. 15, 2010.
Amended by SR-NASD-91-13 eff. Nov. 1, 1991.Selected Notices: 91-63, 10-49.
(a) Confirmations or Comparisons
(1) Each party to the transaction shall send a written "when, as and if issued" or "when as and if distributed" confirmation or comparison in the same form as set forth in the Sample Form appearing in Supplementary Material .01 of this Rule and pursuant to the requirements of Rules 11210(a), 11220, and 11860.
(2) Each confirmation or
Ruling of the Committee:
A dealer in an Eastern city leaves a bid or offering with a dealer in a Western city good until the close of the latter's business day. The Western dealer accepts the bid or offering on that day but, due to the difference in time between the two localities, its notice of acceptance is received by the Eastern dealer on the following day.
In the opinion of the
(a) Code or UPC Code
The term "Code" or "UPC Code" as used in the FINRA Rule 11000 Series shall mean the FINRA Rule 11000 Series.
(b) Committee
The term "Committee" as used in this Code, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the Uniform Practice Code (UPC) Committee delegated the authority to administer this Code by the Board of Governors.
For purposes of the UPC Code (FINRA Rule 11000 Series) and other FINRA rules that permit review of FINRA decisions by the UPC Committee, a decision of the UPC Committee may be rendered by a panel of that Committee. The panel shall consist of three or more members of the UPC Committee, provided that no more than 50 percent of the members of any panel are directly engaged in market making activity
It shall be considered conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade for any member to refuse to take any action that is necessary to effectuate a final decision of a FINRA officer or the UPC Committee under the UPC Code (FINRA Rule 11000 Series) or other FINRA rules that permit review of FINRA decisions by the UPC Committee.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2010-030 eff. Dec. 15, 2010.
A committee designated by the Board of Governors, the Uniform Practice Code Committee (the "Committee"), shall have the power to issue interpretations or rulings with respect to the applicability of this Code to situations in which there is no substantial disagreement as to the facts involved in order to make custom, practice, usage, and trading technique in the investment banking and
(a) All over-the-counter secondary market transactions in securities (including restricted securities, as defined in Rule 144(a)(3) under the Securities Act) between members, including the rights and liabilities of the members participating in the transaction, and those operational procedures that affect the day-to-day business of members shall be subject to the provisions of this Code except:
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This Code was superseded by the Customer Code (Rule 12000 Series) and the Industry Code (Rule 13000 Series) on April 16, 2007, for claims filed on or after that date. The Code remains in effect, however, for cases filed before April 16, 2007.