Thank you for asking for comments. I am a fairly new investor (got more serious in January). I love numbers and reports so you can imagine my frustration with all the different results at the end of each day regarding short interest. Fintel would say one thing and Ortex another, etc. I also follow litigation news as well and had a suspicion confirmed when a firm was accused of marking shorts as
1. Require shares to be acquired before they can be sold. It is ridiculous that today shares are often not even located or are only located before actually being sold. Borrow the shares first, then sell them. 2. Better tracking of borrowed shares. It is ridiculous that shares can be leant out multiple times (often because they are only 'located' and not actually obtained before allowed
With the consolidation of NASD and NYSE Member Regulation, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) became the largest non-governmental regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States.
Certification of Annual Audits
WASHINGTON - FINRA announced today that a FINRA extended hearing panel has expelled Salt Lake City-based broker-dealer Alpine Securities Corp. from FINRA membership, and ordered the firm to pay more than $2.3 million in restitution to customers for converting and misusing customer funds and securities, engaging in unauthorized trading, charging customers unfair prices in securities transactions
FINRA is soliciting comment on a proposal to amend Rule 6730 to reduce the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE) trade reporting timeframe for transactions in all TRACE-Eligible Securities that currently are subject to a 15-minute reporting timeframe. Specifically, members would be required to submit a report to TRACE as soon as practicable (as is currently the case), but no
FINRA is a not-for-profit, self-regulatory organization dedicated to promoting investor protection and market integrity in a manner that facilitates vibrant capital markets. One of FINRA’s tools for achieving this objective is fair and effective enforcement of our members’ compliance with securities laws and regulations.
FINRA’s highest priority when it identifies misconduct is to seek
International Testing Delivery; Important Information About Advertising Filing Fees
FINRA has observed unusual price activity after the IPOs of certain small-cap issuers with operations outside the U.S. Regulators suspect some of these IPOs might have been manipulated in a ramp-and-dump scheme. If you’re solicited to invest in a newly issued small-cap stock, know the warning signs and take precautions.