I believe it is our constitutional right to be able to invest in whatever we choose. Do not take that away!!!
We need much more research before we stop offering BITO option to "BitCoin."
As a investor for more than fifty years, inverse ETF's are a
investment tool I have been using for several years. I clearly understand the risk of these EFTs and don't think regulators should limit what investments I can be involved with.
Please don't be an paternalistic about what we can and can't elect to invest in. Leveraged funds, crypto ETFs, and other non traditional investments can be part of a balanced portfolio to mitigate black swan event risk and inflation.
I oppose more regulations and restrictions, I should be able to choose my investments without some approval test
Leveraged etfs and inverse funds provide retail investors to create wealth over an extended period of time. These are easy to understand like any other regular etfs. There's sufficient information available through unpaid and paid sources about these investment instruments. Any restrictions will be against the interest of retail investors.
Leave us alone. We are old enough to make our own decisions.
Enough of our rights have eroded enough. The United States is FREE nation where it's citizens make their own choices as to whether or not they will invest their money. It is not up to regulators or any other high-minded know-it-all to decide whether or not a person can invest in something. Investing has its risks, just as it has its rewards. It is not and NEVER should be up to some &
Comments:I firmly oppose the limits on leveraged and inverse funds to be imposed on individual investors like myself. It will only lead to investors investing in riskier non regulated or international markets.
The problem with anybody investing in anything is that, almost tautologically, a large fraction of the financial crises over the last 800 years arose from over investment in unfamiliar financial vehicles.