Before ranked arbitrator lists are due to the Director under Rule 13404(d), the Director may combine separate but related claims into one arbitration. Once a panel has been appointed, the panel may reconsider the Director's decision upon motion of a party.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2009-003 eff. Jan. 8, 2009.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008
(a) Motions to Dismiss Prior to Conclusion of Case in Chief
(1) Motions to dismiss a claim prior to the conclusion of a party's case in chief are discouraged in arbitration.
(2) Motions under this rule must be made in writing, and must be filed separately from the answer, and only after the answer is filed.
(3) Unless the parties agree or the panel determines otherwise,
(a) Hearings will be held, unless:
(1) The arbitration is administered under Rule 13800(c), Rule 13801, or Rule 13807(e)(1);
(2) The parties agree otherwise in writing; or
(3) The arbitration has been settled, withdrawn or dismissed.
(b) The panel will decide the time and date of the hearing at the initial prehearing conference or otherwise in another manner.
(c) The Director will notify the
(a) Motions
(1) A party may make motions in writing, or orally during any hearing session. Before making a motion, a party must make an effort to resolve the matter that is the subject of the motion with the other parties. Every motion, whether written or oral, must include a description of the efforts made by the moving party to resolve the matter before making the motion.
(2) Written
(a) After the panel is appointed, the Director will schedule an Initial Prehearing Conference before the panel, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this rule.
(b) The Initial Prehearing Conference will generally be held by telephone. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the Director must notify each party of the time and place of the Initial Prehearing Conference at least 20 days before
(a) A prehearing conference may be scheduled upon the joint request of the parties or at the discretion of the Director. The Director will set the time and place of the prehearing conference and appoint a person to preside.
(b) At a party's request, or at the discretion of the panel, the panel may schedule one or more additional prehearing conferences regarding any outstanding
(a) Documents and Other Materials
At least 20 days before the first scheduled hearing date, all parties must provide all other parties with copies of all documents and other materials in their possession or control that they intend to use at the hearing that have not already been produced. The parties should not file the documents with the Director or the arbitrators before the hearing
(a) The panel must dismiss an arbitration or a claim at the joint request of the parties to that arbitration or claim. The dismissal will be with or without prejudice, depending on the request of the parties.
(b) The panel may dismiss a claim or an arbitration:
• Upon motion of a party under Rule 13206; or
• On its own initiative under Rule
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) a proposed rule change to amend the Codes of Arbitration Procedure to make various clarifying and technical changes to the Codes, including in response to recommendations in the report of independent counsel Lowenstein Sandler LLP.
New members have been appointed to the Board of Directors of the non-profit FINRA Investor Education Foundation (FINRA Foundation), and Jonathan Sokobin has been named Chair, effective February 12, 2024.