FINRA Dispute Resolution strives to be the preeminent provider of securities related dispute resolution services. Such a goal is only possible when talented, dedicated arbitrators and mediators aid in the process.
FINRA is issuing this Notice to provide guidance to member firms regarding suspicious activity monitoring and reporting obligations under FINRA Rule 3310 (Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Program).
Questions concerning this Notice should be directed to:
Victoria Crane, Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, at (202) 728-8104; or
Blake Snyder, Senior Director, Member
FINRA is examining firms’ offering of, and services provided to, Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (“SPACs”) and their affiliates (e.g., sponsors, principal stockholders, board members, and related parties). Unless otherwise noted, the relevant period for each request is July 1, 2018, through September 30, 2021 (the “Relevant Period”). In addition, if your response varies over the Relevant Period, please explain the differences in your response.
Senior ManagementLegal & ComplianceOperationsTrading
*These are suggested departments only. Others may be appropriate for your firm.
The SEC recently adopted Rule 15c2-6, which is effective January 1, 1990. It imposes sales-practice requirements on broker-dealers that recommend transactions in certain low-priced, non-NASDAQ over-the-counter
Why are we being treated like children and we are limited to only big companies or wall street firms? I can read and like a big person. my mother doesn't need to cut my meat (and I manager her money as a matter of fact) . So since I am a grown person I don't need the govt treat me like a child and limit what I can invest in or not. It always seems if the market crashes you limit
The Technology is Designed to Enhance Firms’ Compliance Efforts, Reduce Costs and Aid in Risk Management
WASHINGTON—FINRA announced today that it has launched a machine-readable rulebook initiative designed to enhance firms’ compliance efforts, reduce costs and aid in risk management.
FINRA developed the machine-readable rulebook through the creation of an embedded taxonomy—a method of
Once again, I have been Informed by ProShares that further restrictions are being considered on leveraged and inverse exchange traded funds. As I stated previously, these are among the best vehicles available in the market. I have made my living as an individual investor since February 1980. As I also stated, I have now used these vehicles for more than a decade and they have been consistently
FINRA Dispute Resolution (FINRA) had a busy year in 2009. In addition to the
large increase in case filings, we implemented several new rules resulting in
additional training for arbitrators.
I am strongly opposed any additional regulations to leveraged and inverse securities. All investments have an element of risk; by requiring a list of pre-requisites to trading these securities, you decrease the investor base with access which could add to increased volatility as well as making the acquisition and disposition of said securities much more difficult. Additionally, further
GUIDANCEFees for Filing Documents Pursuant to Rule 2710 (Corporate Financing RuleUnderwriting Terms and Arrangements)Implementation Date: January 1, 2005SUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSLegal & ComplianceRegistered RepresentativesSenior ManagementCorporate Financing DepartmentCorporate Financing FeesRule 2710 (Corporate FinancingRuleUnderwriting Terms and Arrangements)Schedule A to the NASD