Reference FINRA notice to restrict trading opportunities. This is NOT Russia or China, this is the United States of America! Restricting investments that have been in the public for 10 years with no major problems is more than an overreach. It is uncalled for. Investors have already qualified for the ability to make our own decisions. Investors do not need more restrictions, we need more
i want maintain to current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing.
I want like keep Pro Shares leverage.
The government should not try to influence my investments.
I do not need the government to choose the public
investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
It's especially important regulators hear from you in your own words. Please use the body of this email to customize your response. America still belongs to We the People not scandalous politicians or an out of touch president. It is time for the American people to stand-up and be heard
I have just learned from my brokers communication that FINRA is seeking public comments on restricting investors from buying a broad range of public securities designated as "complex products". I am an investor to handle my retirement accounts. It is very important for me to use as many tools as possible to protect my investments including inverse funds instruments for and
I don't need regulators, or anyone else to make my decision on pubic investments or any other investments. I know what best for myself and the ability to pubic investments and others should be made available to the whole public not to just the elites. I of having any restrictions or any special processes to invest in public securities or any other investments. I'm capable of
I consider this regulatory notice an undemocratic and unfair development that is an attack on the working class.
The inherent risk in investing in leveraged ETFs is super low relative to the alternatives of buying options or buying shares on margin, which this action would likely push investors toward.
If the regulatory notice were to pass, I will be writing to my government representative.
I feel the Government has no right to tell us what we can and can't invest in. It is really none of their business. I thought that we had rights to privacy. Big Government is not what we need. We need smaller Government. We are losing our Freedom slowly but surely.
I use short funds and leveraged funds as hedge against market downturns. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.