I do not agree with the regulation money and currency or what in the same if it holds a value than it should be considered to be a stable currency and there should be regulations on what makes you fit into that bracket after your stock or currency has not stayed above a certain price 4 2 annual terms or something like that
There's an old saying " buyer beware". It's my responsibility to do my " due diligence" It is un-american to tell people what they can and can't invest in. It's not your job to prevent me from making a bad decision. That role might belong to my wife, but not to you or anyone else.
It IS the job of regulatory
The elevation of chosen investors, creating the “accredited investor” designation that can be achieved solely on the measure of a one's wealth or income was an egregious, unmistakable step toward oligarchy. With existing rules already in place, governmental agencies are now using a wealth/income-based designation to reserve high-risk, high-reward investment opportunities and products for
You have made this notice complex. I only agree with giving the investor more information 2c. If you want to regulate something make Companies that issue a K-1 to shareholders be required to use a stock symbol ending in K.
Please quit trying to save me from myself. You've already placed more than enough restrictions on the small investor to put him at a significant disadvantage.
As Shareholders of this type of investment, we take our risks under no pressure to buy or own the leverage and inverse fund. I'm concerned about the special process or regulation, if it ever becomes the reality, it restricts our choice or the freedom to strategize our investment. Given the fact that the specific ETF, a high leverage investment type is high risk and we accepted it. If
I oppose restrictions on the right to invest in public investments. Please let me choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged few. I understand the risks and complete loss of principal of these investments. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I
If it's not broken don't fix it
Investment decisions should be made by the investor. Regulation of individual investment decisions is not needed.Government regulation is already too invasive to people's freedoms. No more is needed.
Do NOT insinuate that the money we had the mental capacity to acquire should in any manner be regulated as to how we choose to spend it. It is ours! Government is so over their head in debt that it, if anything, has proven a failure in spending and investing. It would be impossible for us to do a worse job! And we the people are to be in control as we reject dictatorship!