Las inversiones publicas deben estar disponibles para todo el publico
I know what I am doing. I know and accept the downside risk. The leverage of these securities means I do not need to use expensive margin debt or enter into risky short sales. I am delighted with these products.
Do not impose net worth or testing requirements nor any restrictions as proposed in FINRA Regulatory Notice 22-08. These are ridiculous concepts of regulation that reveal FINRA's utter disregard for the individual investor's education and level of discernment. Discard these proposed regulations permanently.
Limiting leveraged investments for retail investors is another example of cutting the legs out from the little man. It is not what people want, the SEC should work for the people, not against them.
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. Leverage and inverse funds, including that they help you protect (hedge) your investments or seek enhanced returns, and I use them as a
I strongly disagree with the proposed regulation to limit access to leveraged and inverse funds. These funds are useful to hedge investments and seek enhanced returns. The markets should be open to everyone, regardless of how much capitol they have. I should have the right to choose how I invest my money and I should not be limited by regulations.
I oppose proposed restrictions to inverse and leveraged ETFS. The reason for my opposition is that they are useful tools for hedging and as well for magnified short term gains. If there is a particular sector, underlying commodity, or index that I want exposure to, these products help me meet my objectives and help me formulate strategies to meet the objectives i have laid out for myself. I
It is an individual's right to freely access the entirety of the public securities markets without arbitrary restrictions. An individual should be able to choose her own investments that suit her based on her own preferences, and she should not be discriminated against based on her net worth or her lack of connections to other wealthy individuals. You do not have any legitimate moral or
As a scientist as well as a financial advisor working with WFG, I sincerely believe it is myself not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I am completely understands the
leveraged and inverse funds and their risks and I want to use them as a tool to
I am not really clear why FINRA is involved with leveraged or inverse ETF's / funds.
Every investor signs an agreement with each and every broker (account) that they have in that they have the insight or knowledge of the stock market to make these decisions (as well as option trading) on their own without regulation.
In my mind this does "NOT" need to be