Let everyone invest, No one should have the right to say who can invest
Please do not remove my right to invest as I wish
I support this. FINRA's below requirements are reasonable in the given format: Pass a regulator-imposed test of your specialized investment knowledge Demonstrate a high net worth Get special approval from your broker Attest to reading certain materials Go through cooling off periods during which you cant invest
People need to be left alone to handle their own affairs! Government over reach needs to stop!!!
Regulators should not be able to dictate the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Instead of finding ways to hinder the average investor, get together with other government agencies to stop insider trading by congress.
We are adults . We can take care of our own finances
Investors are responsible for their own investments. Regulators are responsible for preventing fraudulent offerings, not for protecting investors from investor's choices and decisions. The proposed regulation appears to be in favor of regulator's supporters to the detriment of the general public.
If I wish to invest in high risk investments its my lost
There has never been a period in human history where more knowledge is readily available to the average person. In a time where in depth explanations of these products can be found within 30 seconds, not to mention detailed discussion boards, it's unreasonable to add more restrictions to retail investors.
You should be focusing on removing restrictions instead.
Leveraged and inverse
Please do not impose restrictions on leveraged and inverse funds.