Leveraged and inverse funds are a critical part of my investment portfolio. I use them primarily for hedging my portfolio which is of vital importance in this volatile market. Limiting access to these funds by requiring a min. net worth or special approval, passing a test, etc. reduces wealth building opportunities for lower- and middle-income people who need them more. Imposing these
I have a finance degree and have been investing since college. I invest in stocks, mutual funds, options, and leveraged and inverse funds. I'm quite aware of the risks involved from my 25 years of investing experience. Putting restrictions and forcing investors like myself to take tests doesn't help me. What I choose to invest in should be my choice, not the government.
Hi, I believe I should have the right to choose what public investments that are right for me, not regulators that dont know my personal circumstances or my level of investment knowledge. Public investments need be available to everyone, not just the rich, not just the privileged. I should not have to take a test to purchase inverse/leveraged funds. Im fully aware of the risk and benefits of
I not regulators should be able to choose
the public investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities.
I am capable of understanding my investments and their risks. I do not need
I am opposed to regulation #22-08.
I should be able to make my own decisions about my investments, not regulators. I can read & understand the notices that are provided when I choose an investment and should not be required to take a test to prove it.
I use inverse funds as well as other instruments and it will be detrimental to my portfolio if I am unable to use them.
I ask that
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Ishouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds
I resent the fact that you're considering a net worth test before I'm allowed to continue to use certain leveraged or inverse ETFs. Such products allow the average investor - perhaps someone that wouldn't be considered "high net worth" - to responsibly hedge against certain eventualities. If you allow hedge fund managers to do so, why shouldn'
As an individual investor, I should be able to choose public investments without restriction. Leveraged and inverse investment vehicles are important to my investment strategy. For instance, in order to hedge long exposure in S&P 500 stocks, I might buy a call spread in the VXX ETN. I am capable of understanding these types of financial products and do not need to be tested by my
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds/ETFs. These investments should be available to every investor, and available at every brokerage. There is no need for passing a "test" in order to use these products, as they are no more risky or difficult to use than options are. These funds in question are great to use as a hedge, and, in my personal
We should be able to invest in the public investments that are right for us -- not have the government decide for us. We should not have to go through special processes or pass a test. Regulators, please do not impose these measures on us. Investing is a way for middle class folks to build intergenerational wealth and if you choose to put these restrictions in place you are only hurting the