All investments involve risk. It is up to the individual to determine if an investment is suitable to his own wishes and bear the consequences of such a choice. The government and its agencies are only needed to assure fair trades take place, not qualify the individual investor. If the individual is dealing with a broker through a b/d relationship, the broker is responsible to qualify
There are already several messages and warnings that brokerages give before allowing individual investors to invest in complex funds, specifically leveraged funds. It's a really bad idea to restrict these purchases. All this will do is incentivize people to take higher risk approaches at leveraged investing which primarily involves margin purchases or investing on debt. This could result
Please do not impose more unnecessary burdensome regulations on ordinary investors who are just straightforward buying and selling leveraged funds like any other equity shares in other company stocks.
We sorely need more flexibility in negotiating with the current especially tough market environment as it is, in addition to having to deal with future impractical or feckless political/economic
I oppose restrictions on my ability to invest.
Stay out of the market place. You people will damage the market place with your rules. You are not our parents
I am against restrictions on my investment rights
There are people who are middle class who know what leverage and inverse products do and how they work. why is it that every regulation which provides an advantage has to do with networth? Just because someone is rich does not mean they know better than normal people. There needs to be more education in terms of how the information on these funds are presented. This is why 2 entire
Complex financial products(Leveraged and inverse funds) are well explained in disclosures and everyone is well aware of the risks involved before investing in them. You should not have to be an accredited investor or go through special processes to have access to these types or investment options. We do not need additional rules and regulations on these types or products.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds.
I can think and act on my own behalf. I do not need a government bureaucrat or entity imposing more restrictions on my life.