TO: All NASD Members And Interested Persons
The Association has adopted amendments to its Interpretation on Free-Riding Withholding in order to clarify the application of the Interpretation to offerings in which there is a delay between the commencement of the offering and the beginning of a secondary market. These amendments have been approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission on a
TO: All NASD Members
ATTN: Operations Officer, Cashier, Fail-Control Department
On Friday, May 27, 1983, the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, appointed the Securities Investor Protection Corporation as Trustee for MBD Investors, Inc.
Members may use the "immediate close-out" procedures as provided in Section 59(i) of the NASD's Uniform
TO: All NASD Members and NASDAQ Level 2 and Level 3 Subscribers
The National Market System will expand to 329 securities on June 21 when 50 more NASDAQ issues are voluntarily added to the 279 securities already trading on the System.
These 50 securities meet the SEC's criteria for voluntary designation, which include an average monthly trading volume of 100,000 shares and a minimum bid
TO: All NASD Members
ATTN: Operations Officer, Cashier, Fail-Control Department
On Wednesday, June 22, 1983, the United States District Court for the Central District of California appointed a SIPC Trustee for the above-captioned firm. Previously, a temporary receiver had been appointed for the firm on June 21, 1983.
Members may use the "immediate close-out" procedures as provided in
TO: All NASD Members and Municipal Securities Bank Dealers
ATTN: All Operations Personnel
Securities markets and the NASDAQ System will be closed on Monday, July 4, 1983, in observance of Independence Day. "Regular-Way" transactions made on the business days preceding that day will be subject to the following schedule.
Trade Date-Settlement Date Schedule For "Regular-Way"
TO: All NASD Members
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has adopted a number of important revisions to Regulation T. These amendments are effective on November 21, 1983; however, at their option, members may elect to operate under the revised provisions after June 20, 1983. A detailed summary of the major revisions and the text of the amended rule follows.
These changes to
TO: All NASD Members and NASDAQ Level 2 and Level 3 Subscribers
An additional 50 issues will voluntarily join NASDAQ's National Market System on July 19, bringing the total number of NMS securities to 378. These 50 securities meet the SEC's criteria for voluntary designation, which include average monthly trading volume of 100,000 shares and a minimum bid price of $5.
The 50
TO: All NASD Members and Interested Persons
Attention: Compliance and Registration Personnel
This notice is intended to remind members of the importance of compliance with state registration requirements. A number of state securities administrators have been vigorously enforcing state registration requirements with respect to broker-dealer registration, individual salesmen registration, and the
TO: All NASD Members
ATTN: Operations Officer, Cashier, Fail-Control Department
On Monday, July 11, 1983, the United States District Court for the Central District of California appointed a SIPC Trustee for the above-captioned firm. Previously, a temporary receiver had been appointed for the firm on July 1, 1983.
Members may use the "immediate close-out" procedures as provided in
TO: All NASD Members
The Association is announcing the adoption and implementation of a new Section 9 of Schedule A to Article III of the By-Laws. This section, which is effective July 1, 1983, provides for the continuation of the fee now assessed by the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) as a regulatory fee with a reduction of that fee from 12 cents per side for round lot, over-the