No reason to penalize everyone for a few bad apples. I use inverse ETF's during times when the stock market is going down to balance out (hedge against) losses and so I can hold on to my winners. If the inverse ETF's are subject to special processes beyond the usual rules for all stocks, this would be unfair.
Stop with the over regulation
The ability to invest how ppl want to invest it critical. I use inverse or leveraged inverse funds to mitigate my stock exposure during volatile times without having to sell stocks and pay capital gains. Eliminating my ability will cost me money as well as restrict my freedom. I strongly encourage you to scrap these unnecessary plans.
I - not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I personally believe that investor education and knowledge is key to keeping investors safe. All investments should have risks outlined in simple language for investors to understand. However, restricting certain investment to only a select few basically increases market manipulation and puts such power in the hands of some unscrupulous operators. How many times in the history of our markets has
Leave us alone. We have been doing this for years. I totally disagree with changing the regulation!
SEC Leveraged and inverse funds are used in particular situations to hedge or enhance certain positions I may have. Rather than selling some or all of a position and causing taxes, I can use an inverse fund to protect my investments. Today, my broker provides information to ensure I have the needed information about using these funds. Please don't add increased scrutiny or requirements to
I greatly oppose this new Rule. As a New investor the ability to pick securities is a privileges I have residing in the U.S. It is my responsibility to research what I am purchasing. Not FINRA's to tell me what I can and cannot purchase.
Every American should be free to invest in whatever they choose