Stop interceding into individual lives and freedoms of Americans. The risk an individual takes is on that person alone. I dont need the government to restrict how I invest my money barring anything illicit, illegal, or detrimental to others.
If is extremely important for investors to decide what is safe and what is risky. You, the regulator, must ensure proper documentation is disclosed on the nature of investment indfrurmenf and no fraud is occurring.
Otherwise let capital markets operate freely for the "little" guys who aren't multi millionaires.
Leveraged and inverse funds areimportantto my investment
I should be able to choose my investments without having to jump through more hoops!
I believe that I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for myself. I do not need the governments help. I also believe that public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I_ not the regulators_ should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all the public and not just the privileged. I am capable of understanding inverse funds and their risks and I don't need restrictive measures imposed on me. I trade _ not invest_ inverse funds using my own short term strategies to enhance
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. I use these leveraged funds carefully and with precision! I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged!
I oppose the rule to restrict investors right for investment.
I would like to go on record that I am opposed to any regulations and prohibit or limit my ability to buy public investments. Every individual should perform a level of Due Diligence that they feel comfortable with. This risk provided by leveraged or inverse funds is no greater than the risk for any other equity.
Dear concerned law makers, Please do not remove my ability to use leveraged ETFs and funds. There are several disclosures that one has to go through currently, therefore we understand the risks involved. Diversity of such funds is what makes equity markets so great Reducing our choice, will reduce wealth and tax collection.
I am writing to oppose any implementation by FINRA to restrict or limit my ability to invest in leveraged ETFs, regardless of being used to control risks, diversification, or speculation. It is up to each common or main street investor to have freedom of investment choices and it is not the call of FINRA to make such choices on behalf of any type of investor whatsoever.
Common investors