You STUPID regulators need to stop telling us investors and traders which products we can trade or not. It's not your job to be the trading police! Keep your fingers off of the products that we use and STOP restricting them. Leveraged funds are a simple product that lets us traders leverage a simple index. It's that simple and not complex.
I oppose restrictions on the public to make the investments that are right for me and my family. The right to do so should not be restricted to only the privileged few. No tests should be required, although companies may test or restrict based on tests as is commonly done today. Making sure people are educated about the risks they are taking is important, but should not be up to regulators.
You let elected officials cheat the system (insider trading), let me invest legally without restrictions.
To restrict is to deny the FREE MARKET and lead to the demise of trading eventually. LET THE MARKET RULE..
Leveraged investments have been the primary mechanism to achieving my personal retirement goals. Without them, and/or by adding barriers to restrict use of leverage investments, low net worth individuals may never have a chance to build any significant portfolio. It will hold them back and allow only the already rich to get richer.
To Whom It May Concern That is Trying to Intervene in The Market, I am a strong opposer of regulatory bodies protecting investors by interfering with an already not-so-free market by attempting to become an ever-larger babysitter. Please, give the market its voice back! If there is demand for various risky investment vehicles, allow that demand to be met by additional supply of new risky assets.
I am opposing to any additional restrictions on my rightsfor trading leverage and inverse fund. Any additional restrictions put in place will further taking away the balance and fairness of investment ability and tools that available to general public. Let traders and market goes it's natural course. Stop imposing further restrictions to choke the rights and options of average traders. Stop
Honestly this is unbelievable, I could write paragraphs for the person reading this but Ill make it simple. Demonstrate a high net worth along with the other regulations being set in to motion is one of if not the most absurd thing Ive heard. Just come out and say the government is planning to keep the rich rich, and the poor as poor as possible.
Buying LEVERAGED AND INVERSE FUNDS is my right, especially in the down market.
The proposed rule is an over reach and unnecessary.