Limiting investment choices not only increases the wealth devide but you increase the risk of a possible index fund collapse that Jack Boggle warned against. The ability to diversify and customize portfolios based on person preference is the beat way for people to learn what investments work best for each person.
Regulators need to limit their over reach. As I take no support from the government in terms of financial support. I should be left alone to invest when and how I so chose. Only those under governmental subsidies should be regulated and under any investment oversight. My gains should not be of concern nor should my loses.
It is every Americans right.
There should be less regulations on individual investors, Not more! This proposal will also raise compliance costs of brokerages that will be passed down to the investors. Knock it off. It is people like you bureaucrats that inspire voters to vote for leaders who will reduce regulations and abolish and fire you regulating bureaucracies.
Never let freedom escape us. This is one facet we must hold on to our freedom. Freedom to invest as we so chose. Please always keep this in mind. I am truly grateful to have good investors working for our entire family.
Comments:Respected Officer, I would strongly urge you not to implement proposed rule for following reasons 1. FINRA should not restrict legitimate strategies from educated individual investors and provide only to few privileged. This is not promoting equal opportunity.
2. FINRA should limit itself for education and not arbitrarily decide knowledge and ability of individual investor
Stop the hypocrisy of pretending to protect consumers. This is a vile attempt to keep the common investor from earning profit in a free market economy.
Weve never complained when we have made losses why do we need your protection when profits are on the horizon?
Stay out let investors take the risks they want
I am against further restricting investors from using conventional methods available for investing.
Public investments are part and party to the free market system of capitolism and needs to be left alone. It is wrong for congress to get involved and they are suppose to be neutral.