Stop taking our rights away!!!
I have been trading leveraged and inverse funds for some time now and should remain to be allowed to do so without further qualification. I am aware of the risk involved and, as a responsible investor, should not be subject to special tests or requirements to trade in these vehicles other than being aware of the risks involved. I do not think my access should be limited from any particular
Regarding the proposed FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08, I strenuously object to ANY legislation restricting ANY investment I choose to make. I have my own best interests at heart -- regulators only want power and could care less whether I have access to the investments I need for my own personal financial security. It is appalling how patronizing, paternalistic, meddlesome, and tyrannical
I make my own decisions - not you! I've been investing for years and should still be able to control what I invest in.
Public investments should be available to all of the public NOT just the PRIVILEDGED.I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me.
I am very capable of understanding investments and the risk. I shouldn't have to go through any special process of test taking before investing in leveraged and inverse funds. I have done my own research and am very
Dear FINRA I WISH TO RETAIN MY RIGHTS TO FREELY TRADE ALL TYPES OF STRATEGIES, WITHOUT ANY FINRA INCUMBERANCES. Please not add restrictions of any kind that would do so. If you must provide protection it should only be provided on a OPT-IN basis. Thank you
I'm totally against what FINRA is trying to tell investors like myself what I can and can't invest!! This is government regulation gone nuts if this ever happened.
Dear regulators, I greatly oppose the attempts to change my ability to make investments.I get to decide how, when, where, and how much of my money I get to invest, not you. Public investments should be available to all the public without going through any hoops or passing exams you deem necessary. I am perfectly capable of understanding my investments and the risks those investments entail.
I want to choose the investments that are right for me. It is not for regulators to make this decision. I understand the risks of leveraged and inverse funds and weigh these risks in determining how much money I should invest in such funds. I enhanced my overall returns when I held such funds and sold them when I considered it appropriate to do so. If regulators step in and reduce access to these
I just think it's crazy that I have to pay someone to use my money.