Comments:Personally I think it's ludicrous to try to limit access of 3x funds. It is up to the investor to do proper research before investing in any fund or company.
As a college-educated citizen of the United States, I am capable of understanding the investments Im interested in and their risks. These measures are unnecessarily restrictive and will harm people more than they help. I - not regulators - should be able to choose the right investments for my goals and public investments should be kept public.
I oppose these proposed regulations because I already have full access to information about the risks of inverse and leveraged funds and further federal gatekeeping is not needed or welcome. Especially in markets that reflect the heavy hand of the Federal Reserve investors ought not be barred from protecting their own financial interests with a full range of investment tools.
Leveraged and inverse funds products offered my ProShares are very important tool to hedge my investments, if they are restricted, it takes away the freedom for me and the investors to protect their investments. I opposed to the restrictions and strongly against it to be put in place.
Please stop all of the regulations that affect our frèedoms. The FINRA rule is un-American and unconstitutional!
No matter how complex an investment may be it is not your right to make that decision for me you have not going to school for me you have not studied the investment for me so how would you know whether it was too complex for me to understand it is my right to determine what I invest the money I work hard to earn
Main St. should be allowed the right to leveraged ETFs and inverse ETFs too.
Please stop trying to legislate all of my freedoms away. It seems all that gets done in Washington these days wastes my money, restricts my lawful choices but provides the politicians with a plethora of soundbite tools to facilitate their run for reelection...seemingly THEIR main and only goal. Please protect my choices and my freedoms so that I can make the best and most responsible financial
Risk. And. Reward. Go. Hand. In. Hand