It is not a "free market" having proposals like these to restrict retail investors from protecting our investments.
I oppose limitations on my investment to freely invest and I oppose limitations on my ability to buy because detrimental as an investor and will eliminate the opportunity to earn profits for me and family
I should be able to choose my own investment
I oppose limitations on my investments in leveraged and inverse funds. I want to be able to invest freely.
I do not want to be regulated in any way when it comes to buying leveraged and inverse funds.
I do not nor condone of any testing of etfs for trading !!
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to everyone not just the privileged.
Dear sirs, I am a small investor, however I should still have the right to purchase inverse funds. If big players have the ability to short the market, I should be able to buy inverse funds as well. Please reconsider.
As an investor, we have right to choose any public issued investments by assessing the risks ourselves.