I believe leveraged ETF's create an important investment tool for individual investors to both hedge their portfolio and create risk weighted and diversified portfolios that would otherwise be restricted only to clients of expensive financial management firms. Please allow leveraged ETF's to continue to democratize access to these important portfolio management tools.
Market Data Frequently Asked Questions
Regulation on leveraged etfs is unjust. Allow investors to make their own educated decisions
Please, do not shut down leverage ETF, why discriminate against people with low net worth that know their risk? Do people with higher net worth have more right than normal people? If leverage ETF is so dangerous why do you allow people to gamble on option? All I want to say is we all should have the same right to invest in what we want, please leave it
I want to request to please do not restrict anyone from investment what ever they like. Let American citizens make their own decision for their families future by not putting any restrictions on ones abality to invest where they want.
I should be able to choose which public investments are right for me. Not YOU! I am strongly against having to go thru any restrictions to my access to leveraged or inverse funds. I do not need, nor want any restrictions to be imposed. We are not dumb, and know the risks and benefits of these type of investments. These types of investments are a part of my overall strategy and adds additional
This crazy. Makes zero sense. Many people want this protection when things have topped out such as now.
I want freedom to choose the investments I make, whether risky or not
I do not think it it is fair that this be done.
Heavy disclosure on the risks associated with these securities (leveraged funds) already exist. The brokerage community is doing a fine job without any required regulation. Tax payer monies can be better spent. As an example, when I purchase these securities in my account, and I use several brokerage firms, a large warning sign pops up and I can not complete the trade until I have read the note