I think people should have the right to choose their financial destiny. I have made significant profits using options and actually ran into more issues with imposed regulations and stockbroker policies. There are plenty of tools out there to learn about options. I do understand placing monetary limits on certain types of trading to avoid massive defaults but these should be allowed. Also, you
Leave my money and where it is put alone. It is none of your business where it is invested. You have your money and you invest it the way you want to. I have the same rights whether you agree with me or not.
I do not want any further restriction and OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST
Once again there is legislation that seeks to prevent the smaller investor from having equal opportunity to invest as they see fit. I feel like you are treating us like children, by requiring me to pass a variety of hurdles in order to have access to leveraged and inverse trades. This is my money and I should have the same rights as everyone to invest it how I see fit. We are not children and I
I should be able to choose investments that are right for me and my family.
Dear Sirs,
I'm concerned about the proposal of "Regulatory Notice 22-08". Indeed, it might be a must for regulators to take certain action on new financial products, but I don't think this restriction can solve the problem. The reason is listed below:
1.What serves as complex product is too ambiguous, that means, investors can’t figure out what investment tools
Well as usual the government is over reaching. It is okay to risk my money in the market as long as I am losing money. If I take position that I feel will make me money the government steps in and wants to make sure I do not. You still get your "cut" in taxes! Anyway, I still run the same risk that the market will go up and wipe out my short position. I do not need the
There should be zero limitations on investing for all US citizens. Unless you want us to instead invest in foreign markets
I, not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
These funds are essential to my investment strategies. They are especially helpful during volatile markets and they can help ensure that we protect our assets during market corrections. In addition, these funds can possibly enhance our returns. Please do not restrict or limit our ability to use these funds. Respectfully, I encourage you to allow us to make those informed decisions.