I have employed Leveraged ETFs for the past year without difficulty or undue financial damage and would like to have continued access. I did not (and do not now) have problems understanding the nature of these investments and do not want to pass a test to continue using them, especially by some person or automated "grader" that is not personally acquainted with me.
As a retail investor, I should be able to choose which investments I want to invest my money in (including leveraged and inverse funds), based on my own research and risk assessment. I don't see any need for additional tests and reading material Current prospectus and details are more than sufficient and no further checks and restrictions are needed.
I'm a self directed woman investor and NOT in favor of anyone decided what I can and can't invest in based on wealth, complexity of investment, or whether or not I can pass a test. Making the changes suggested will eliminate my ability to fund my retirement at a reasonable level, that I have been carefully and diligently saving and investing for for over 3 decades.
We shouldn't have to go through any special tests before we invest our money in public securities of our choice, like leveraged and inverse funds that we trade frequently. we understand leveraged and inverse funds and their associated risks. We do not need any restrictions imposed upon us.
Leverage funds are part of my investment strategy on getting retired. I understand the risk I am taking using these products and I dont need to pass a test in order to own them. Thus far they have been the most successful part of my investing career. Please let us buy these instruments without the interference of the Govt.
No! We do not need further restrictions, permissions from mommy, brokers or big government to invest. We do not need tests or any other restrictive device. Markets are efficient, most investors know the risks and will allocate their resources accordingly. A clearly worded prospectus that explains the risks specific to that instrument are all thats needed.
Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. People shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before they can invest in public securities like leveraged and inverse funds.
Leveraged and inverse funds are an important investment strategy.
I do not need these measures imposed on me.
I have many years experience in investing, I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I'm totally capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these measures imposed on you. Thank you!
Please let me continue making investment what is right for me . I should not go through any test for making public investments . I been investing for more than ten years now and looking for enhanced returns . Please let me make decisions what js good for me for investing in public investments.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these restrictions on my right to invest.