Its my money, it came from my hard earned wages. I DO NOT want some politician being able to control MY money or investments
Politicians need to get out of our pockets and leave our crypto alone.
To Whom This May Concern,
I have been investing for many years and manage my own retirement planning. I would like to be able to choose what investments I make. The government should not be trying to protect me from my own choices. Everyone should be able to participate in investing as they see fit and to their own risk tolerance level. I do not object to educational info on riskier
People who demonstrate intelligence should be allowed to choose investments that are right for them, regardless of net worth.
I understand the risks of leveraged and inverse funds.
It does not make sense to restrict these even more than options which have even greater leverage and higher chance of loss.
Give me crypto or give me death!
are you serious? What difference does it make to ANYONE what I choose to invest in? STOP with the over-regulation. Let individuals choose to invest or not and let individuals reap the benefits or consequences of their decisions.
USA is a free country.
Why should somebody decide where I can invest and how much ?
Far too much governments overreaching to control all........ !!! Cease and DECIST!!