Investors take risks of all types based on their own assessments. Regulators have no business deciding how this assessment should be carried out since it's a personal decision. Only the investor can make this decision based on their own knowledge and wisdom of market behavior and how each investment tool functions. This is another step to limiting investment options for the little guy
I am successfully using leveraged funds as part of my portfolio. It is one of the only ways I can "level the playing field" as a small investor. I do not believe this regulation represents the public's best interest.
I completely oppose this rule that would limit my ability to make decisions for myself. Stop trying to use finance to control us regular people. Do not pass this rule!
Please DO NOT limit my ability to invest.
In regards to the Regulatory Notice 22-08.
I am a retail investor and have been using both long and short leveraged ETFs sense 2009 without issues or concerns of their operation or behavior. I use them to enhance market performance on the up side and to reduce risk when I see the market pulling back.
I would hope to continue using the funds long into the future and would be disappointed if they
investments that are right for the people. Public investments should be available to all of the people.
I am very distressed to learn that someone is considering to place restrictions and hurdles to overcome for my ability to trade inverse mutual funds. Following advice of my financial advisor and educating myself about the S + P 500 index/inverse index, I have been using the strategy for several years. I AM PLEASED WITH THE RESULTS. I know the risk and reward of using inverse funds. To my
We should have freedom to invest just like the previous sharks had freedom to manipulate the markets.
No more regulations on anything