To Whom It May Concern:
Please find my official comment to FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08. I oppose the contemplated restrictions for the following reasons (among other things):
1. Financial instruments available to retail investors (like myself) have to go through a rigorous disclosure/registration process before becoming available generally for investment. It thus seems unnecessary to impose
We should be able to invest as much as we want. It's not just for the Rich people
I do not support limits on leveraged or inverse funds, they provide a very useful and quite frankly safer alternative to investors like myself that choose to use these instead of options and traditional margin leverage.
They clearly indicate they are short term instruments so when used correctly can be a great tool in the tool belt of the retail investor.
I believe non traditional investment
I am an American and I should be able to invest my monies where I select and not anyone else. MY MONEY MY CHOICE.
Regarding FINRA Proposed Rule #22-08, I - not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to ALL of the public, not just the privileged or those you deem qualified. Less regulation, happier investors.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I
I am writing to voice my opposition to the proposed rules for investing in leveraged and inverse funds. Its a violation of my rights as an investor and imposes unreasonable burden on my ability to trade in a timely manner. I consider myself well informed and do not need additional regulations to guide my investment choices. Leveraged and inverse products are an important part of my investment
Enough with the restrictions, I should be able to choose which segments I wish to invest in. Data is todays new form of currency and Crypto related segments are 1) tech driven, 2) tied to trove of data 3) at a min a Fund like BITO is managed so the diversification is built in even though its a speculative emerging market.
If you start limiting these things then why let investors invest with
Please concentrate your efforts on dark pools and regulating citadel and ken griffin from using algorithms that trade against small investors. Pay for order flow should be made illegal.
I oppose these regulations. I have been contributing to my 401K/403B for over 30 years and the government should not have a say in what my investments are. I worked hard to save that money. You don't see my hands in their pockets. Keep them out of mine!!!