Good day! As an investor, I have the right to invest in whatever financial vehicles I choose without interference. Seriously a test???? I am putting my money where I want and should be able to do so sans any government regulatory requirements! My money, my choice, sans any interference!
I believe I should be able to do invest even if relatively risky investmentss--though for me, who holds funds forever--I believe there is little adverse risk.
I want to invest the way l want to. Keep your political hands out of it !!!!!
It is my belief that there should be no restrictions on who can or can not invest in anything other than cost.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are guaranteed in our founding documents. Limiting our amounts and types of personal investments interferes with our God-given rights. We've fought wars for less. Don't do it!!!!
I strongly support FINRA's mission to protect investors from ensuring an open, honest, and fair securities market, a key piece of which is striving to align investor needs and goals with product choice. It is probably or even likely that "complex" products are not appropriate for most investors, and to that end these products are broadly not used by most investors. Few defined
I am strongly against the regulators restricting individuals buying leverage investment. I have been holding tqqq for 4 years. I believe I have the right to select what investment best for me based on my own analysis and situation. If my selections are limited by regulators, I feel the regulators are manipulating the markets and intentionally benefitting other investment tools. The power of
I am concerned about Gov taking what we worked all of our life . We are on social security and draw enuf to live on leave poor people alone !!!!!!!!!!!
I have the right to invest my money where and as I see fit.
Leave us Americans alone and STOP trying to make America like a communist country.