I have been investing in ProShares for years, and I find them to be very solid investments.
Since I feel that this entire industry is lacking in regulation (or is it enforcement?), I'm in full agreement of this rule. I only am a small investor, but I think transparency is the key to most things.
Thank you.
Please stop taking Americans right to do what they want with their money.
As an investor, I should have the ability to make my own choices on investing after evaluating the risks. This isn't something that should be limited by regulators.
I am fed up with regulations that shut out opportunitys to invest from anyone except the few privileged.
I believe that investor education, transparency and risk disclosure should be the primary focus of FINRA and the industry.
Inverse and leveraged funds are a perfectly transparent and clear way for investors to gain advantages over various market conditions without the complexity of option agreements that could expose them to massive risk. Unlike a short option, losses in an inverse fund are limited to the size of the investment, a responsible and conservative path for any investor.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.
Please do not let the government take away the people's choice in how they choose to invest their money. Please help stop this from happening.