As a free people, we require the ability to invest without your added controls. You are over-stepping your assumed powers. WE THE PEOPLE are in control. Your choice to control us will lead to our countries ruin.
It poses a severe threat towards market fairness. It's like preventing people from skiing because it's dangerous, but except the rich ones. Retail traders or investors should be able to freely choose whatever products that fit their trading strategies. Finance is NOT only for the rich or the privileged. We know what leveraged funds are. Also, the liquidity will be severely
I oppose the proposed new regulations for inverse and leveraged funds.
I support new restrictions on speed trading. why should a few specialized traders that do nothing but make trades based on the speed of execution be allowed to influence security prices and clog up execution for legitimate trading.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities. I am capable of understanding my investments and their risks. I do not need
these measures imposed on me
Our government has done a crap job at regulating our economy and the US dollar. Please don't help our crypto, you'll screw that up as well.
I currently use inverse ETF's to hedge my retirement stock portfolio. As a result of this hedging during 2022 my portfolio has dramatically outperformed the overall market. I do not find these ETF's difficult to understand as they seem pretty straightforward to me. Please do not take this ability to hedge away from me.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these measures imposed on me.
Comments: As part of a long-term, diversified portfolio, a minor portion of my holdings lie in leveraged ETFs. The largest risk associated with these leveraged funds equates to nothing more than simple mathematics. An additional risk, which has already proven true in the past for other financial tools, is the prohibition of the common investor and trader from the use of these instruments.
I am
I find it odd that FINRA would require individuals to possess a net worth of greater than 1.000.000 dollars or an income of over 200.000 a year in order to invest in leveraged ETFs. This effort blatantly furthers the financial disparity in the United States unequally allowing privileged individuals to create larger pools of wealth. No correlation exists between a persons competency and the size
This is not fair, and it restricts my ability to take part in free commerce. It is my responsibility for my own actions, protecting people from themselves does nothing but creates an elite system that affords no opportunity to the layman.
I should be able to choose how I invest MY MONEY!
I should not have regulations or restriction that a group of people whos sole aim would be to justify their