The proposed new regulations are not necessary, not justified and would only cause great harm to the American economy and investing markets as a whole.
Please consider my words and vote against these new propsed regulations.
a. Public investments should be able to all of the public, not just the privileged
b. I am well capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds together with the risks and certainly don't need special tests / process to pass before we can invest in these types of securities.
c. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies.
d. It is better that regulators
I want the freedom to invest without federal, state or municipal regulations.
This is against the basic freedoms of this country. We are a free people and are allowed the basic freedoms to choose our own way!
This appears to be further growth of the "Nanny State" and a grab for more regulation and bureaucracy. What happened to the good old days when people were allowed to succeed or fail without government intervention. Is this the same government that now wants to forgive student loans. Citizens should be allowed, without government intervention, to make their own decisions about
As an American citizen I would like my FREEDOM to use MY MONEY as I please and when and where I want.
Everyone needs to have the ability to invest in whatever they so choose. I will be voting for anyone who supports investing equality.
I oppose limitations on my investments. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to everyone and not just the privileged.
Let us have investments as we always had
Comments: I fully support unrestricted access to 3x ETFs to individual traders.
However, I would mandate these funds to explain in more detail using real past data to demonstrate
1) how 3x effects occur over multi-days
2) how contango can erode the value and exactly how much erosion is occurring
3) and how often and under what criteria fund holdings are changed
3x funds are great, we just