I understand the concerns SEC has (https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/leveragedetfs-alert.htm), but I am not confused by these issues and I don't want restrictions preventing me from using these financial instruments.
I disagree with proposed rule. Leverage is a good thing. The issue is with over leverage. Everyone with proper literature and clear english text should be allowed to buy and sell security of their choice. Define which educated or a person who has passed a test shown skills in trading.
I should be able to invest in whatever public fund I want to without restriction. Restrictions like the one proposed protect a very small minority while harming most investors and free markets.
Regulators, I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of
This is idea is wholly without merit. It sounds more like a reason to help the big investor and hurt the retail/smaller players. We don't all have the time, skills, funds, or ability to learn how to work the derivatives game of puts and calls. These leveraged ETF products allow the small investor a chance to level the playing field. I am strongly opposed to this idea. If the SEC wants to get
Dear Regulators, I STRONGLY APPOSE the proposed restrictions for my individual use of Leveraged and Inverse funds. By taking away our individual ability to trade these funds, you are handcuffing the people who need this most in the name of protection. We don't need your protection! Let us be responsible for ourselves. You will allow institutional investors to take advantage of all Leveraged
This should be my decision to invest as I choose!
Schwab has a detailed descriptions of these funds that you have to read and agree to, and I fully understand the risks. For this reason, they should not be restricted.
To Whom this may concern, This is another government overreach taking away freedoms - I am opposed to this measure and urge you to cease and desist in moving this forward.
Id like to also add, why wasnt John Paulson, Lehman, bear sterns, country wide, Maddoff and countless others stopped before and during the housing market crisis? Why stop bear market investors now? That is wrong.