All people no matter their social standing should be able to invest in everything the oligarchs can now invest in. Don't be influenced by the oligarchs who own trillions worth of our economy
I use leveraged ETFs to hedge my positions, I know the risks involved. Less regulations, not more. I should be able to choose what I believe is right for me and my family using my own hard-earned money.
I have been investing in the stock market for over the last 22 years. I do not want anymore government control over what or how I invest MY money. It is important that regulations are not created to reduce my ability to earn or lose money with investment products. I do not want to pay for services that I have already been successfully performing myself. Do not make the system anymore unfair to
I am against this proposed rule. Individuals are allowed to buy, gamble, open businesses,and donate without analogous restrictions on similar decisions which could greatly diminish their net worth.
Remember, this is a free country.
I have enough net worth, risk taking capability and knowledge to trade complex securities. Everyone should have the right to trade in a free market. Not sure who you think is stupid to not be able to trade.
Please do not restrict my access to leveraged ETF funds. I find these to be a useful addition to my investing strategy.
I understand that FINRA is considering putting additional restrictions and / or eliminating a whole range of ETF products. This greatly concerns me.
From the list of products that are under consideration, I frequently use some of them, and currently have positions using these ETF's. I do strategically use some leveraged funds, but the funds that I am particularly concerned about are the
Perhaps you should focus on regulating banks like Goldman who has taken 874b in bailouts and paid over 9.8b in fines/damages since 1998 instead of erecting a firewall to protect the same big banks.
I agree with Milton Friedman. Free to choose.
As an individual investor who started with very little and has put countless hours into learning the markets to be successful, Im completely outraged at the the thought of another government regulatory entity over-stepping their bounds in an attempt to protect me from risk. The money I invest comes from my employment wages, so there is careful calculation and consideration put into each position
With all due respect to well-intended policy anything that restricts the ability of individuals to invest according to their own choosing is unacceptable in America. We are not children and should not be treated as such. Doing this sort of thing is an easy way to cause massive Revolt of the people.