Keep this please - we need more empowerment. Please focus on other areas where there daylight robery.
Our individual right, and freedom to invest, like all other rights and freedoms, should not be impeded by our public servants no matter how "well intended" the cause.
Please keep investing a matter of freedom of choice. Do not allow government regulators tell me what I can or cannot invest in or when, where and how. Keep America free.
Let me blow up my account if i want. i dont need the government keeping me from doing this
As an investor in leveraged funds, I find it upsetting, and frankly, ridiculous that regulators are investigating banning these funds in the name of protecting the consumer.
Enough with the government regulations to protect people from doing what they want with their money! Whats next, are you going to ban people from gambling away their savings unless they can pass a test first and/or show
As an Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA), I have a strong understanding of risk. I use leveraged funds to obtain a beta in my portfolio of ~1.25. People use these leveraged funds to a desired level of risk that they are comfortable with. Taking away our ability to invest in these funds is taking away our freedom to obtain our goals.
Freedom to invest must be maintained for all!
As an investor and former stock broker, I am very opposed to your regulatory agency telling me and the general public what we can an can't invest in, and reserving these investments to specific individuals (ie: high wealth and those in the know) and restricting everyone else. You need to keep to more important matters and away from what Soros funded organizations want you to do. Remember
You not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I am against this rule and want freedom to invest in any fund.