I do not want to have to go through any special process if i want to trade inverse or leveraged instruments. I am capable of understanding these funds and their risks
i do not have a high net worth, i have however, been investing in inverse funds for many years. i do not need any government agency overseeing or guiding me in my conclusions as to what sort of investments i wish to make. these sorts of funds are an important part of my overall investment strategy and i rely upon the ability to use them.
There PUBLIC Investments. Stop trying to control! That's why I have a CFP to assist in my choices! It's not yours to say what I can invest in!
I oppose to the proposed regulation because it curtails my freedom to invest and freedom to chose investment as per the best of my abilities.
The market needs a diverse demographic of investors to keep the demand of the diverse stock the market has to offer. This is not an intellectual law to enforce by any regulators of any kind. This is completely from a tilted state of mind to even propose this.
Every man and woman needs to be responsible for their own choices. It's up to them weather they want to take risk or not. The government can't even keep social security solvent for the next 50 years or balance a budget, they have no business telling us how to manage our finances. maybe if there was some financial risk management and retirement investing taught in school this
I stand in opposition to any proposed FINRA regulations that would prohibit me from purchasing or owning inverse or leveraged funds. Further, I oppose any attempt to create a special process such as passing a test before I can invest. After all, they are public securities. These products include extensive disclosure documentation which is more than sufficient to warn of the potential risks of
It's important for these markets to be driven by real people. As lay investors, we have a right to form our own informed opinion of risk and benefit when investing; we don't need regulators to stop us just because they think a product is too risky.
I am strongly opposed to any regulations that restrict my ability to buy or sell any form of financial security. Only I truly know what is best for my financial stability and what I am and am not able to participate in. Financial advice is one thing, and I am always open to such, as well as additional education and training, but at the end of the day I should be free to make my own choices when
Inverse funds can be a valuable adjunct to long investments!
Leave it up to the individual to make investing decisions, without the government limiting our options.
We are adults who can make our own decisions, and this needs to remain a free country! It's an unreasonable restriction to make a person have to prove he is capable of making inverse or leverage investments. Long